Download Our Free How to Talk About Value With Clients Using Impact Maps Webinar Recording

A recording of our webinar on April 18, 2024, on using impact maps to talk about value with clients.

  • 3 basic types of client value
  • How to measure client value
  • The power of “So what?”
  • Benefits Arise in the Use
  • Why? Who? How? What?
  • How the conversation becomes strategic and tactical
  • The 7 steps of the Impact Mapping process
  • Aim, actors, impacts and features
  • 6 steps to guide the conversations towards value, and away from features
  • Managing change through build-measure-learn

    Fill in the form below and we'll send the recording to your email address.

    If you'd like, we can follow up in a few days and give some tips and advice on putting these ideas to use. You don't commit to anything by saying "yes."

    How to Talk About Value With Clients Using Impact Maps Webinar Form
